Mental Health More Important than School?

This post was created on May 5th by gmf.desgigns. The idea of the post is to reach out to people who have mental health problems and remind them to take care of themselves before anything else.

Nature Benefits Mental Health

This post was posted in July 10th 2021. The post was created to inform others on the benefits on nature on ones body. Nature can effect your mood, cognitive functions, working memory, and decrease your anxiety.

Does Nature Impact us Humans?

This photo was posted on July 15th, 2021. The post is answering the question of which does nature impact us humans. The clear answer to that is yes. Nature can play a part in everyone’s life by simply going a hike every once in a while.


This post was posted on May 4th 2022. The post is an eye opener for people to realize that the earth doesn’t just supply us, but it also impacts us on the inside.

American’s College Mental Health Crisis

This article talks about how much the pandemic affected peoples mental health. It talks about a basketball player who had her whole pre med map planned out and how COVID effected her and caused her to drop out of college to focus on her mental health.

Link to Article-

Mental Health and the Pandemic: Issues and Solutions

This article talks about COVID as a whole and how it cause people to have mental health issues from fear of contracting it and the impact of isolation on ones body. The article talks about the effects of COVID, who it effected, and how to go along with fixing your mental health.

Link to Article-

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